Section: New Results

Architecture design for intermediation platforms

During our joint work with Worldline we built a JavaScript compiler for generating dataflow program from plain standard JavaScript sources. In an ACM Middleware conference poster session we raised the question of extracting a dataflow design from JavaScript callback hell. The compiler https://github.com/etnbrd/due-compiler is used to help JavaScript standard developers generate their equivalent dataflow scheme without the need of external libraries such as Promises, Async or Q. With this tool, developer may migrate their javascript legacy code towards a new flow based design. Our due npm module https://github.com/etnbrd/due is a first step towards a dynamic flow based architecture studied in Etienne's project.

The C3PO project provides a browser based application for interacting with other nearby participants in chat mode. The client architecture runs exclusively in the browser over a DTN layer and listens to posts send through a dedicated spontaneous and ephemeral social network (SESN) [5] . The client is organized around a display canvas hosting plugins. Each plugin registers for some tags it wishes to handle. The local DTN manager receives posts and propagates them to the plugins.

We have used intermediation technologies for voting systems. A brief presentation of our motivations has been made in [4] . A patent on the BitBallot protocol is on its way.